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We all dream of a world that is fair and just an ideal world where we are all equal in the eyes of the law. The Young Whistleblowers Foundation is a small attempt for that Big Cause. We aim to shed light on the wrongdoings in the various corners of public bodies, thus ensuring transparency and accountability. We want to empower the citizenry about the gaps in the workings of the system that were built to benefit them. We are a non-profit organization fighting for Human Rights, Social Justice, Conservation of Nature, our journey started a decade ago and we are hundreds of RTIs and a PIL old. But beyond these numbers, it is our consistent effort, untiring scrutiny, and scandalous exposures that have often forced the government, public authorities, and agencies to alter their way of working for the betterment of society.
Our partners
“Well, while we understand that every youth cannot be an Activist, but an alert and aware youth is the need of the hour. Hence, with the help of proper education and training programs, we intend to involve this untapped ‘Young India’ in our mission of a better tomorrow.”
Our aim
“We want to reform the system by pursuing specific shortcomings in the governance with the legislative and judiciary. The endeavor is to take the issue to its logical end and not just create sensation. Today, there is a need for change and reforms in all walks of life. We want to be the representatives of common people in taking up the causes that matter the most for people in general.”
Our responsibility
“Having said that, we also understand that it is not at all easy to take on the high and mighty in the government. Therefore, we believe in helping and protecting activists and journalists who are on the same page as us and are harassed or targeted by the system for their work.”
Latest Media link
- Maharashtra: Over 1 lakh second appeals filed by citizens in 2021 to get information
- RTI Second Appeal: Maharashtra’s Number of Pending Cases above 1 Lakh
- स्टेट पुलिस कंप्लेंट अथॉरिटी को लेकर RTI में हुआ ये खुलासा
- State cops found guilty in just 3% complaints in three years
- BMC recalled 117 ‘tainted’ officials for Covid duty: RTI
- RTI : या 'विभागात' होणाऱ्या तक्रारींवरुन गुन्हे दाखल होण्याचं प्रमाण नगण्य
- ACB not interested in combatting corruption, says RTI activist
- Mumbai: 57 BMC staff dismissed after ACB trap since 2005
- बीएमसीत २०० रुपयांपासून २,७५,००० पर्यंत लाच घेतल्याचे प्रकार, आतापर्यंत ५७ कर्मचारी बडतर्फ, RTI मधून खुलासा
- Mumbai: Suicides went by up 4.3 per cent in 2020
- Mumbai: Number of elderly ending lives soars 31% in pandemic year
- Suicides by teens in Mumbai dip 35% as they stay close to family
- Covid-19: Number of suicides by men in Mumbai increased during the pandemic
- Mumbai: Activist raises plight of passport applicants
- 34,000 Covid MPJAY beneficiaries from Pune; 0.5 million in state to date
- Five lakh gained from Maharashtra’s health cover in 1 year: RTI
- Only 27% Maharashtra health workers received PM insurance cover money: RTI
- Only 27% of Maharashtra health warriors got PM insurance money: RTI
- कोरोना योद्ध्यांची मृत्यूनंतरही परवड, केवळ 27 टक्के कुटुंबांनाच 50 लाखांच्या विमा योजनेचा लाभ
- प्रधानमंत्री गरीब कल्याण पैकेज का हाल : 210 आवेदनों में सिर्फ 58 कोरोना योद्धाओं के परिजन को ही मिल सकी बीमा राशी
- For 10 Years, IRDAI Took No Action against Any Insurer for Not Complying with Orders Passed by Insurance Ombudsman
- Insurers did not follow 20% orders of ombudsman
- Covid treatment subsidy: Maharashtra tops...
- गेल्या 11 महिन्यात 2270 शेतकऱ्यांच्या आत्महत्या; त्यातील केवळ 920 कुटुंबांना सरकारी मदत
- महाराष्ट्र में 11 माह में 2270 किसानों ने की आत्महत्या